Well our baby has graduated from a bassinet to a crib. She had not been sleeping well and we noticed one day that she now likes to sleep with her arms out. Her reach had outgrown the bassinet that she has called her bed. We decided to put up the crib. Then a funny thing happened. As soon as we took the bassinet out of the room she got in a super good mood. While I put together the crib she was laughing and smiling like I have never seen her laugh before. We laid her in it and she just kept laughing. It was like she knew what was going on. I think it was just gas but it was super cute. You can see in the picture below that she can now spread out when she sleeps. She loves it. The girls is just awesome. Thanks to Mia and Emma for the crib :o)
Before-in the bassinet.

Now this is a happy kid.