Yesterday was Leilani's offical birthday. It was a long weekend because of the 4th so we just kinda partied all weekend. For the past few years it has been a tradition for us to watch the fireworks that take place at Upland High School. Last year during the firework show Lizeth started to feel the labor pains. They lasted all night and the next evening we had a baby. It was fun this year to sit in the same place and have Leilani with us. She was not a huge fan of the fireworks but she was a lot of fun to play with that entire afternoon.
Happy birthday Leilani. You are wonderful and have made our lives very happy. We consider you a blessing and never a burden. We love you baby!!
Here are some shots from this memorable weekend.

This was the cake at my parents place later that day. This girl is treated to good by so many people. Thank you!!

Tia BeeBee's got her this toy. I took the picture because she sat down on the box like it was a chair and played with the toy. I thought it was super cute.

Leilani and her Ducky getting ready to get scared by the fireworks.

We went and played at the part a little this weekend. Like her cousins before her Leilani is a big fan of the swings. Thanks Abuelo.