A lot has happened in the past month. Leilani has done a lot of growing and I have done a poor job of posting and keeping up with her. So what is new? She is a walker now. She is not longer content sitting and watching other kids play. Now that she can walk she wants to be right in the middle of it all. I had a hard time convincing her she was not ready to be playing soccer with some 5 and 6 year old boys the other night at a little get together we went to. I'm sure she could have held her own against them but I think that it was best if we did not find out.
So here are a few pictures of her from the past month.
Tonight we gave in and got Leilani a new "bigger kid" car seat. She loves it.

Lizeth is a very optimistic person. She figured that at 13 months Leilani is ready to start potty training so we got her the necessary equipment tonight. I don't know how ready she is but she sure looks cute when she swings her legs back and forth on it.
Proper hygiene is very important to her. Her two little bottom teeth have to remain perfectly white at all times.

We have been swimming quite a but this summer. Leilani is a big fan of the agua.

Weebles, Wabbles, but she don't fall down.