Easter 2010 was a fun one for us. We spent it with the Hernandez side of the family. Leilani got to look for eggs and got spoiled by her Abuelita and Tias. We barbecued up some carne-asada and enjoyed each-others company. It really was a great day.
She looked too cute in her little easter dress.

This is her unwrapping the easter basket grandma got her.

She started the hunt in her little dress. Then we decided to changed her into something a little warmer and more comfy.

An Elmo basket and Sponge Bob shaped eggs. I imagine that is what a 1 year old would think heaven is like.
She fell and reached up to me saying, "Hand....Hand" and being the great dad that I am I took a picture. Then I did give her a had eventually.

When there is only one grandkid on that side of the family a kid can end up with a lot of eggs.

We took our eyes off her for two seconds and she found a way to get her basket down from where it was safely stored and make this awesome mess. Love you baby!!
The other day she tried to hide from her mom. This was her great vanishing act.
We made some oatmeal cookies on saturday and I had to snap some pictures. She got so messy. I was proud of her. It was a ton of fun. She loved eating the dough but was not a huge fan of the cookies when they were finished.