Ok, so I know it has been a very long time since I have posted anything on here. I have so may pictures that I really am not 100% sure where to began. I noticed that the majority of my pictures from the past few months involve Disneyland. I figured I would just grab a few of those and toss them on here. The pictures are in no real order and are from a few different trips over the last few months. She has fallen in love with the place and now asks to go on a daily basis.
We had a great time there with family. Leilani really enjoyed playing with many of her cousins while there. She also loves to get to meet the princess's.
Oh and as a side note our second child is due on June the 14th and it is going to be a boy!! :o)
Leilani is really excited about getting a baby brother.

Alright... Let's see if I can get back to doing this blogging thing on a regular basis.