It has been a rough couple of days for Leilani. About 3 o'clock saturday morning she started coughing and would not stop. This had happened a couple times so we decided it was time to take her in. We took her to emergency and she was diagnosed with Broncialitis. It was not a fun 4 hours in the hospital. They took xrays and did a breathing treatment on her that helped but made her miserable. After the breathing treatment she threw up a ton of phlegm. Then she sat there with tears in her eyes on the hospital bed. She had big red bags under her eyes and she was just whimpering. One time she made eye conact with me and then the whimpers turned into a full cry. I have never looked at anything that made me feel that sad in my life. I thought about taking a picture of her with my phone at that time but thought it might cost me the father of the year award so I didn't.
We got the diagnosis and the prescription and came home. She slept well that day. Saturday night she slept well too. Lizeth also caught a cold so now I have two lovely ladies I am trying to care for. Saturday night was stressful for me. I sat and watched Leilani sleep for a lot of the night stressing over her breathing. I finally got the the courage to go to bed but had to keep getting up and checking on her. I told Lizeth that Leilani would be our only kid because my heart cannot take worrying for another one.
Leilani is now getting back to herself. She giggled with me during a stellar game of peek a boo today and is back to smiling. Tomorrow our little princess turns 6 months old. I will post some pics of the resurrected smile then. She is asleep now and I fear snapping a pic would wake her up and further diminish my chances of the award. I love you all and thank you for all the prayers and support.
Here is a shot of a sad little girl on New Years. Tomorrows will be much happier I promise!!