So today is Leilani's 6 month mark. Yesterday she seemed to be doing better but last night was a little rough on her. I took the day off of work to stay home with her and Lizeth. Lizeth is still feeling a little under the weather as well. This morning started a little sad but she really seemed to be doing better in the evening.
Leilani had a rough night. This is the sad face that have too too much of lately.

I know the shot is a little blurry but I thought it was cute. This is her looking at her medication with big eyes. She is not a fan of taking it.

We made her half a cake to celebrate her half birthday. She was in really good spirits tonight. We are hoping for a good night tonight. She really looks happy in the picture. She is amazing.

Leilani we love you very much and are super grateful to have you in our lives. Thank you for your smile and love.
We hope that the Ontario Petersons are really and truly on the mend!!!
What great parents you both are. The first real illness is always the worst, but you all seem to be troopers!
Glad she is feeling better, so sad when the littlest ones are SO sick.
Happy half the polka dot theme. That was for me right?! :)
Oh, that's so cute. I am glad she's doing better. Love the 1/2 birthday cake! So cute!! I can't believe she's 6 months!!
Ok whose idea was it for the 1/2 birthday cake? that is so cute and creative...well done guys...(ryan if it was your cute and creative idea you are totally allowed to give credit to your wife :) So sorry leilani is sick..that is the saddest thing in the of luck feeling better!
She's sure growing fast!
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