May 31, 2011 Eli Edward Peterson decided to join our family. He was two weeks earlier than expected. We went the the hospital in the morning and they checked Lizeth and sent us home. I headed back to work and Lizeth went home to suffer for the day. We returned to the hospital that night and the little guy was ready. It seemed like no time and he was out. We all were shocked to see his size. He was a little 4 pound 6 oz baby. For some reason he was not developing correctly. He was born 2 weeks early but doctors said it was as if he was 8 weeks early. The good news was he was well developed. Just little. He had a few issues that kept him in the hospital for a few weeks but we are very happy to have him home now. He is pretty awesome. He is a great sleeper and really mellow. Leilani has been absolutely incredible with him. She is always talking about how she loves him and how cute his toes are. He will be well taken care of by his big sister as the years go by.
Here are a few pics of him. I will get back on this blogging thing and put much more up in the weeks to come. Most of these pics are from his time in the hospital. We did a good job of getting out to spend time with him a couple times everyday while he was out there. The nurses and doctors were amazing and made it a good experience for us.

Happy happy for your family:) Love the new layout!! Also happy you will keep blogging:)
Love it that the binky is half the size of his face! That's so strange that he was so close to being full term and was so little. Not very much bigger than Janae and she really was 8 weeks early! Was there an explanation for it or was it just one of those things that can happen sometime?
Thank goodness he's all right and at home where he belongs! So happy for you guys!
Welcome to the family ELI!! We are so excited to have you! I just love to see pictures of you and can't wait to meet you!!
I love the picture of Leilani meeting Eli for the first time!! He looks like he could be her doll, but in a masculine way of course. Glad all is well and he is home safe and sound.
Thanks for the post. Love the new layout too!! You are so creative! Sure love you guys.
These pictures are a beautiful story of your last few weeks. Eli is a gorgeous baby, and Leilani is a super super big sister. It is the most beautiful foot I have ever seen.
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