Well tonight was an eventful night for Lizeth. On her way home from work she had a tire blow out on her. She was able to get to the shoulder of the freeway and give me a call. Dad and I rushed to her and were able to get the new tire on and on the way home in no time. The experience was a little scary for her but she handled it well. She was a little shook up when we got there but we all feel blessed that it did not turn out worse than it did. Here is a pick of the tire. We tried to pump it up but it was not happening. We could not figure out what was wrong with it. We thought maybe a nail was in it or something. Then we took another look at it. If you look really close you can see that 98 percent of the tire is missing. I think That is why it was not pumping up. All is well now and she has two days off of work to relax.

Scary! I'm sure that was just what you needed being prego and all...yikes!! Glad you are ok.
Lizeth, I know you and Ryan felt like you didn't have enough stuff to blog about, but I think you went a little overboard.
Please have safer adventures from now on.
Holy COW!!! I have never seen a tire do that! I'm so glad Lizeth kept her wits about her! Good job Lizeth!! Glad you are safe!!
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