Well we are excited about the Lakers going to the NBA finals again this year. Lizeth and I like many of you are pretty big fans and are very happy to see them there. I do have to tell the Rich family that I am very sorry about happened to Utah this year. It has been requested that we place a picture of our first child on the website. For our first valentines day as a married couple I took Lizeth to Downtown Disney to the build a bear workshop. She picked out the coolest outfit that she could find. We will post a picture of Chachi to honor the Lakers Western Conference win.

Lizeth had a great doctors appointment this week. The doctor said that the baby is now starting to move into position. She is also now meeting with the doctor weekly so I guess that means that it is getting closer. All news is good right now and we are still looking at a July 7th due date. Oh and this thursday is Lizeth's last day of work. She starts maternity leave on friday. She is just a little bit excited about that. Ok she is super excited about that.
Lovin' Chachi!! So cool. Can't waiit till Thursday--go Lakers! Congtats Lizeth on your last week of acutally getting paid to work!! Excited for you guys! Love ya
Go Lakers!! We will try hard to get Chase to be a Lakers fan during finals. So we don't want to hear any crying from him.
Being pregnent and working for stater bros is very hard. I am so proud of you. Congrats!!
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