So tonight they released the trailer to New Moon. I am so excited about it. For some reason Ryan just isn't as pumped as I am about it. I wish it was November already. Enjoy it girls. I can't stop watching it.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
California Adventure
Early this month we spent a day at Disneyland. We had twofer tickets so we decided to go to California Adventure the other day. It was a really fun day. Once again Leilani was very well behaved. I think she just enjoys being outside and people watching. She loves looking at everything and listening to the sounds. She made us a ton of new friends. Every-time we stood in a line she would make us new friends by getting friendly with the people around us. It realy was a great day.

She looks like she was having fun.

Leilani loved the carousel. She got to do it a couple of times.

This is how she knocked out at nap time. Too cute. Notice the missing shoe. We found it.
Lunch time. She loves fries.
Princess Leilani.
Dancing while getting pushed around.
She looked so little in this chair.
She was a good sport all day.
Nerd alert!! The new toy story ride is pretty cool.
Another great moment with Mr. Potato Head.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
First swim!!
I have been working a ton of overtime lately. Today was my first chance to get home at a nomal hour in quite some time. As soon as I got home I decided I wanted to go swimming with Leilani. She loves baths and has never been in the pool. We put her in one of her super cute bathing suits and headed out. She was so much fun in the water. She took it very serious. She really loved it but also seemed very curious and interested about it. We played for about 45 minutes and just had a blast. She would smile when we moved fast and then seem very relaxed when we would move slow. Afterwards we came inside, changed, and read a book. She knocked out on me after reading the timeless classic "That is not my Mermaid." Thanks for a fun evening Leilani. I love you!!!
Testing the waters!!

I love you baby!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Michelle Peterson Photography - WOW!!!
So this past weekend Leilani had the chance to get photographed by her Auntie Michelle. I thought it was a rough day. Leilani was not in the best of moods. She hated the grass and was just very cranky. Michelle kept assuring me that everything would be ok. I loved her optimism but had my doubts. Well Michelle has posted some shots and I am impressed. Please visit Michelle's Photograhy Blog to see more of these amazing pictures. Thank you Michelle. We could not be happier. You really did an amazing job!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ten Months Now!!
Cinco De Mayo--My birthday and Leilani's 10 month mark. What better way to celebrate those two great occasions then to visit the happiest place on earth. This day was perfect. Lizeth and I took Leilani. Greg and Veronica brought Chase and Savannah and Dustin and Michelle brought Christian and Chloe. The weather was awesome and the park was not too crowded. All of the kids were great. I cannot remember any of them crying at all the whole day. Leilani was a little Angel. She sat on all the rides and just looked around with eyes wide open. She survived the haunted mansion and pirates. It was cute she would sit on my lap on the rides. Then if the ride turned dark she would jump up and put her head on my shoulder. When the lights came back on she would flip back around again.
So here are a ton of pics from the day. It was really a fun day that I will remember until I get old and senile. Thank you to those that went with us and thank you to everyone that texted and called throughout the day to wish a happy b-day.
When this is what you are looking at to start your day you know it is going to be a fun one!!

Leilani and Chase waiting in line for the Jungle Cruise.

Christian took a break at McDonald's at lunch time.

At the end of the night Savannah was a super adorable, sleepy, sticky mess.

This is how Leilani ended the day. All smiles in the morning and a sleeping princess at night. Thank you baby for making my birthday very memorable.

Monday, May 4, 2009
An eventful weekend!!
This past weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night we had the chance to go out to eat with our friends Gordon and Abby. They were down from sacramento and had a bit of time for us. It was the first time that we have taken Leilani to a restaurant and she was awesome. She really surprised me a lot. She sat and ate while we ate and just enjoyed looking around and being out. She was a little sweetheart for us that night. We really enjoyed being able to spend the time with them and showing off our little princess. She really took to them well. They even were able to put her to sleep before we left. Thanks for the visit guys!!

Leilani had a ton of fun with Uncle GoGo and Tia Abby.

Saturday we had the chance to go to a couple of birthday parties. It was a lot of fun too. Valerie turned 1 and Jared turned 9. Thank you to both families for the invite. The early morning party had Mickey and Minnie and the afternoon party had a jumper. Thanks to Tim for getting Leilani and I a little bit of daddy daughter time alone in the jumper. She did a little bouncing and even humored me as I took her down the slide.

So all that fun wore this little girl out. Yes that is actually Leilani sleeping!! We dropped her off at Lizeth's moms place and went out and did a little shopping. This little girl was out at about 6. The bad news is she was up at about 3 in the morning not wanting to go back to sleep. She was in a silly mood and wanting to play. It was actually a lot of fun to play with her at the time. It was not fun though having to wake up early on sunday. We love you Baby!!

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