Cinco De Mayo--My birthday and Leilani's 10 month mark. What better way to celebrate those two great occasions then to visit the happiest place on earth. This day was perfect. Lizeth and I took Leilani. Greg and Veronica brought Chase and Savannah and Dustin and Michelle brought Christian and Chloe. The weather was awesome and the park was not too crowded. All of the kids were great. I cannot remember any of them crying at all the whole day. Leilani was a little Angel. She sat on all the rides and just looked around with eyes wide open. She survived the haunted mansion and pirates. It was cute she would sit on my lap on the rides. Then if the ride turned dark she would jump up and put her head on my shoulder. When the lights came back on she would flip back around again.
So here are a ton of pics from the day. It was really a fun day that I will remember until I get old and senile. Thank you to those that went with us and thank you to everyone that texted and called throughout the day to wish a happy b-day.
When this is what you are looking at to start your day you know it is going to be a fun one!!

Leilani and Chase waiting in line for the Jungle Cruise.

Christian took a break at McDonald's at lunch time.

At the end of the night Savannah was a super adorable, sleepy, sticky mess.

This is how Leilani ended the day. All smiles in the morning and a sleeping princess at night. Thank you baby for making my birthday very memorable.

Yes, that was a great day!! That thug pic cracked me up. Did you forget about Christian's broken heart cry when the train was broken down?? LOL OH well, it didn't last but a minute. :) Happy birthday day, thanks for sharing it with us.
Leilani is so adorable! You have a lot of cute pictures of her. The picture of Gregg in the Toy Story game is classic.
Glad your birthday was awesome! Loved all the pictures! Wish we could have been there!! Know we were thinking of you and glad you could spend your day at the happiest place on earth!
What great pictures of a wonderful day. I loved all of the pictures, but the backside of the men pushing strollers cracked me up--even more than Savannah sleeping with her sucker next to the clean Princess Leilani picture. "Mommy--why is my cousin so sticky?"
Fun day! Fun memories! The pictures are awesome!
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